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Drama Guidelines



This competition is intended to foster good ethical, social and Christian values through the presentation of drama performances In a form of plays only. The Production should depend mainly on acting rather than singing.

Local Competition Guidelines:


  1. The drama and competition is for Grades 1 & up.

  2. The production must be related to the Mahragan theme and should be drawn from our Church spirit, values and traditions.

    Scripts should not exceed 3-4 pages for grade 1&2, 5-6 pages grade 3&4,7-8 pages for grade 5 and up, improvisation is considerable.

  3. The storyline should NOT be in the form of a sermon or a lesson, the script should have a clear message which has to relate to the Mahragan theme and if it’s telling a true story there should be no altering in the events being told.

  4. The use of flammable materials is prohibited during the production.

  5. Complete running time should not exceed 15- 25 minutes according to the age group, marks will be taken away if exceeded the time frame.

  6. Technical support and backstage work to be rewarded as a part of the drama work.


Regional Competition Guidelines:




  • The drama and competition are for grades 1 &up.

  • The production must be related to the Mahragan theme and should be drawn from our Church spirit, values and traditions.

  • The production must be in the form short plays, according to the age group (Please see local guideline). 10-14 actors per group per script including backstage, musical and singing individuals if needed., and we encourage the teamwork between the kids to perform backstage, as well as acting.

  • Please note that it is highly recommended that the kids participate in the backstage work at the time of the play, including moving the props and changing costumes whenever it is safe for them to do so, according to their age group and with the help and guidance of their group servants.

  • Its also important to get the kids involved in creating the props and murals, the marks will be given as the kids’ work will be recognized by the judges.

  • Scripts should be written with appropriate language, with no bad words and violence in it.


  • The play timing should be:
    10-15 min long for grade 1&2
    15-20 min long for grade 3&4
    20-25 min long for grade 5&6
    30-35 min long for grade 7+ including adult performance.


  • Stage setup prior to the play can’t exceed 5 minutes, that will affect the timing mark.

  • Please make sure to follow the time schedule or you will lose its mark. Also please provide the performance/ screen or murals per age group ahead before to accommodate all the participant.

  • The storyline should NOT be in the form of a sermon or a lesson, the script should have a clear message and if it’s telling a true story there should be no altering in the events being told.

  • The use of flammable materials is prohibited during the production.

  • Technical support and back stage work to be rewarded as follows:
    The relevance of the props to the scenes. 
    The importance of the light and sounds being used in building up the story 
    The quality of the murals/ Screen (according to the age group) and how they are all connected to the play.


Evaluation Criteria for Short Plays and Anthologies:


  • Blocking and Staging: actors and set are clearly visible at all times; stage space is fully used; movement is purposeful and well rehearsed. /15

  • Storyline: A story is presented with a clear beginning, middle and end, and a positive message related to this year’s theme. Topical Scenes: all scenes are NOT NARRATIVE (no through-line of characters) but are creatively linked to the chosen topic related to this year’s theme, movement, song, etc). /10

  • Commitment: energy, focus, memorization, listening and reacting, engaging, teamwork. /15

  • Voice: projection, clarity, emotional range, and expressiveness. /15

  • Characterization: expressive, engaging, and believable characters are created through movement, facial expression, and gestures. /20

  • Production Elements & Technical support: thoughtful use of costume, props, set, lighting (if available) and sound; production elements are well chosen and suited to the performance. /15

  • Preparedness & Overall Production Value: evidence of preparation; performance is polished and professional; smooth execution; does not exceed the time limit. /10

  • Total /100



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