Research Guidelines
The Research Competition is an opportunity for participants to go deeper in their faith. They will research, exchange ideas, and improve their communication skills while competing for prizes.
The research competition is for Gr. 3 and above.
The research paper must be related to the Mahragan theme.
Below is a list of suggested topics that connect with this year’s theme.
Submissions must be in Arial 12 point font and double spaced. Diagrams with references may be included but are not counted towards the total page count.
Page count per Grade:
Gr.3and4: 2-4pages
Gr.5and6: 3-6pages
Gr.7and8: 4-8pages
Gr. 9 and 10: 5-10 pages
Gr. 11 and up: 7-15 pages
Groups participating in the Research activity may have one or more submissions. If there is more than one submission representing the group, the higher mark will count as the group mark in Research.
The research project may be presented in the form of a poster, a brochure or an essay.
A bibliography must also be included with the submission. Please note that all research papers must be
the student’s original work. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and will negatively affect your mark.
Submission Guidelines:
On the day of the competition submit a copy of your work with the name of your church, your name, Mahragan ID, the name of your church and your grade.
See online calendar for submission dates.
Steps for research:
Select a topic and think of a specific thesis (have a question your research will answer)
Choose appropriate resources (books, online publications, etc.)
Identify the key information you will use and its source (through highlighting, annotating, etc.)
Reword the key information in your own words
Add the reworded information to your final copy
Include your source in your bibliography
Writing Conventions (Spelling, punctuation and grammar): 9%
Organization: 16%
Information: 16%
Quality Of Research Information: 16%
Theological Accuracy: 9%
Bibliography: 9%
Presentation of the Research: 9%
Connection of Research with The Theme: 16%